R4 3DS 2019 Buying Guide | Which R4i flashcart Hack ROM DS 3DS CIA in France?

We arrive the year of 2019, so what linker R4 3DS 2019 we will buy to enjoy 3DS, DS or GBA games on a latest update 3DS and New2DS 11.9.0-42 and 11.10.0-43 in France? Is a R4i 3DS card the best choice for 3dss 11.10 and DS 1.4.5 firmware? Today we will give you a tutorial to choose a good R4 3DS card to hack your 3DS console in Europe.

What is an R4 3DS card for?

According to the wikipedia, R4 cards are a series of flash cartridges for Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS devices. We can play free games, apps and homebrews with a Micro SD card and to hack all Nintendo consoles, including New2DS XL, New3DS, Old 3DS, Old 2DS, DS, DS Lite, DSi etc.

More clearly, the R4 card or the R4 3DS linker is a cheap tool to hack the Nintendo 3DS, New2DS, DS, DS Lite consoles to enjoy unlimited games. And an R4 3DS card has a very high compatibility, it is compatible with every update of the 3DS up to 11.10 and DS 1.4.5E.

2019 R4 3DS card

By 2019, the R4i or R4 3DS card can do more on 3DS than ever before, it supports many powerful features, such as play free DS games, homebrews / emulators, and multimedia (movies, music, e-books and photos). In addition, a R4i 3DS card supports the cheat code, RTS. In addition, with the release of NTRboothax, many R4 / R4I cards can install Boo9strap and Luma3ds cfw on any 3DS / 2DS / NEW 2DS / NEW 3DS XL model. Then users can even play Nintendo 3DS games with another CIA format.

R4 3DS firmware / kernel 2019

Each R4 card must install a kernel or firmware to crack Nintendo 3DS or New2DS. So what’s inside the firmware of the R4 3DS card? First, the R4 3DS firmware also called the R4 3DS kernel. The different R4 3DS cards have different kernels.

R4 3ds card Official website  Kernel version
R4i sdhc 3ds rts r4i-sdhc.com v1.85b
R4i b9s 3ds
R4i gold 3ds plus r4ids.cn v1.64
R4i gold 3ds rts
R4i sdhc 3ds pro r4isdhc.com v4.0b
Ri4 sdhc dual core
R4i sdhc rts lite
R4i gold 3ds eu r4i-gold.eu v1.73

Normally, when we get the kernel from the R4i 3DS card, some files need to be added to the root of a micro SD card. And the R4 3DS kernel is the code already prepared for hacking a Nintendo DS or 3DS system console. Where to get R4 3DS firmwares in 2019? Just download from the official website of each.

R4 hack 3DS card in 2019

There are many R4 3DS cards from different groups on the market, here is a list for you. Please be careful, all these R4 3DS cards support the 3DS console, but they all play NDS games and not 3DS games. If you want to choose an R4i card to play free 3DS games, please read the last paragraph of this article.

Which R4 3DS card to choose in France?

There are 3 card 2019 R4 3DS, they are the 2019 R4i Gold Pro, 2019 R4i SDHC Dual Core and 2019 R4i RTS Lite, as you see on the chart above, they come from the same official website, and in fact, the 3 flash carts have little difference, except for the card stickers. Of the three cards, 2019 R4i Gold pro 3ds is the most popular.

Tutorial and installation of the R4 3DS card

Below you can read many tutorials about using R4 3DS cards in 2019. You will learn from them how to use almost all the features of an R4 / R4I card.

Today, I use the linker 2019 R4 R4i sdhc 3ds rts to show you the operation. But, all other R4 card can be installed with similar methods. The only difference lies in their different kernels.

How to use it to play NDS games?

Step 1: The things you will need

  • R4i SDHC 3DS RTS flashcart
  • Nintendo 3DS / New2DS, DS, DS Lite
  • Micro SD Card and USB Card Reader / Adapter
  • A PC

Step 2: Prepare the R4 3DS kernel

The latest version of the kernel is V1.85b. And do not forget to choose the language that suits you. You can download from here. http://r4i-sdhc.com/downloade.asp If there is a new update for the kernel, just like the R4 3DS V1.86b kernel, then download the latest one.

You will get a file named “R4i-3DS V1.85b French“, then unzip the file you downloaded, you will get these files: moonmemo, moonshl2, R4iMenu, R4.dat. Drag and drop these four files into the root directory of your MicroSD card. Before that, format your Microsd card with Fat32.

Note: You must put your kernel in the root directory, otherwise it will not work.

Step 3: Download NDS Games Online

You have to download DS games on the Internet. Because this R4i SDHC 3DS card can not play 3DS games. You can download free games here:

  • Nds-passion.xyz

Step 4: Drag downloaded games to your SD card

Please make sure the games are in .nds format then you can copy and drag the roms to the root of your SD card. The size of the SD card is up to you. (2GB-32GB are OK, the bigger ones you can play more games.)

Step 5: Put your SD card in R4i 3DS

Step 6: Put R4i sdhc rts in your Nintendo 3DS or DS

Step 7: Have fun with unlimited games.

How to play GBA / SNES / NES games with R4 3DS

As we know, a R4 3DS card supports DS games, moreover, with homebrew compatibility, it can also support old classic retro games such as GB, GBA, GBC, SNES and NES.

If you really want to play GBA and SNES games with a 3DS R4 card, the best option is to use it to install a custom firmware, so you can install GBA / SNES ROMs.

If you like to play GB / GBC / NES games with a R4 3ds card, please use google.fr to get emulators, and download it to your SD card, then you can play most of these games on the 3DS.

Tuto: R4 3DS supports RTS and cheat code

R4 3DS works with RTS

  1. Go to the game menu list
  2. Select “ROM” (top screen on the right). The user can enable / disable the RTS features for that particular game. If you want to keep the setting after stopping the console, press the “Save” button.
  3. RTS multi-save setting
  4. During the game, the user can press the “L + R + A + B” key to enter the RTS menu
  5. Then you will see an RTS menu

R4 cheat code

  1. Choose games, enter Cheat by pressing B or X.
  2. The title of the game is shown in the top screen, while it appears in the reminder window of the bottom screen, cheat / cheat, save the folder, common cheat items.
  3. Choose your cheat object by pressing “up” and “down”, and open or close the item by pressing A or touching the screen. Touch “Cheat on / Cheat Off” to use the Cheat, and tap the  screen to save the file.
  4. While the Cheat is running, you can choose the cheat code one by one by pressing “up” and “down”, and close the cheat code by pressing “A”.
  5. Under Cheat code category, press A to open / close the category. You can delete the cheat.dat file in the R4iMenu category if the cheat function is not required

How to update the firmware or kernel of the R4 card?

It’s very simple and easy. First, you can simply download the latest R4 3ds kernel from the official site, then unzip the kernel from the r4 3ds card. Because there is the old firmware of the r4 card in your micro SD card, so just delete the old firmware R4. Then put the new version of the downloaded and unzipped kernel on your micro SD card, now you have updated your R4 card to the last kernel.

Tuto R4 3DS install B9S / CFW

The R4i Gold 3ds Plus and R4i B9s 3ds are what we recommend for hacking the 3DS to install the custom firmware B9S and Luma 3ds. Each card has its own user guide for configuration on 3DS to install B9S or 3DS CFW.

R4 3DS hack ROM CIA

  1. Download free 3DS ROMs and add downloaded games to your MicroSD card.
  2. Change the format of your 3DS ROM to .CIA format. If you have already downloaded CIA games, do not change the format. And players can change the format of the 3DS ROMs by pressing “START + POWER”, then choose the “SDCARD” menu.
  3. Then we will install the CIA ROMs by opening “Down play”, and running “FBI” homebrew menu.
  4. Tap Home, then you can play a 3DS game on your New3DS or New 2DS XL screen.

Which linker crack 3DS games?

If you like to play 3DS games for free, then the Sky3ds+ and Stargate 3DS cards are your choice!

The Sky3ds+ linker is an older product to run 3DS games, and it does not have many problems, and with the V140 and Skydock firmware, this linker perfectly supports 3DS online games.

The new Stargate 3DS linker supports 3DS and NDS games, so it does not need to take a purchase of the R4 3DS card, and it’s very simple to change the DS mode to 3DS.

Summary :

  • To play DS games for free, a R4i Gold Pro card is your best choice.
  • To play 3DS games, buy a Sky3ds+ or Stargate 3DS card in France.